The 7 Principle of Software Testing

Ramesh Khatri
3 min readJun 18, 2021

“No amount of testing can prove a software right, a single test can prove a software wrong.” — Amir Ghahrai

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No matter what type of software tester you are Manual or Automation, Beginner or Expert, working in a Startup or in a Giant Company, One thing you will need and always have to keep in mind is the 7 principle of software testing.

Some tester might have read the principle once, just to pass the job interview but if you give thorough view of each principle then it’s not just a theory, you will need to follow each principle throughout your testing career.

Let me share you what I know about the principle of software testing

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Ramesh Khatri

Software QA Engineer | Passionate about Technology | It’s not about what I required, It’s about gaining knowledge | Read and learn anything about everthing